Journal Club
Seminar Room
Tuesday 15th of February, 2022
Gravitational wave memory and the wave equation
Gravitational wave memory and its electromagnetic analog are shown to be straightforward consequences of the wave equation. From Maxwell's equations one can derive a wave equation for the electric field, while from the Bianchi identity one can derive a wave equation for the Riemann tensor in linearized gravity. Memory in both cases is derived from the structure of the source of those wave equations.
Submission history
Memory effect explained for the general public in:
presented by Javi Olmedo
A Gravitational Entropy Proposal
We propose a thermodynamically motivated measure of gravitational entropy based on the Bel-Robinson tensor, which has a natural interpretation as the effective super-energy-momentum tensor of free gravitational fields. The specific form of this measure differs depending on whether the gravitational field is Coulomb-like or wave-like, and reduces to the Bekenstein-Hawking value when integrated over the interior of a Schwarzschild black hole. For scalar perturbations of a Robertson-Walker geometry we find that the entropy goes like the Hubble weighted anisotropy of the gravitational field, and therefore increases as structure formation occurs. This is in keeping with our expectations for the behaviour of gravitational entropy in cosmology, and provides a thermodynamically motivated arrow of time for cosmological solutions of Einstein's field equations. It is also in keeping with Penrose's Weyl curvature hypothesis.
Submission history
From: Timothy Clifton [view email][v1] Fri, 22 Mar 2013 13:29:55 UTC (17 KB)
[v2] Mon, 20 May 2013 08:54:13 UTC (18 KB)
presented by Antonio Manso
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