Journal Club
Seminar Room
Friday 11th of November, 2022
Title:Integrating out heavy scalars with modified EOMs: matching computation of dimension-eight SMEFT coefficients
Abstract: The shift in focus towards searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) employing model-independent Effective Field Theory (EFT) methods necessitates a rigorous approach to matching to guarantee the validity of the obtained results and constraints. The limits on the leading dimension-six EFT effects can be rather inaccurate for LHC searches that suffer from large uncertainties while exploring an extensive energy range. Similarly, precise measurements can, in principle, test the subleading effects of the operator expansion. In this work, we present an algorithmic approach to automatise matching computations for dimension-eight operators for generic scalar extensions with proper implementation of equations of motion. We devise a step-by-step procedure to obtain the dimension-eight Wilson coefficients (WCs) in a non-redundant basis to arrive at complete matching results. We apply this formalism to a range of scalar extensions of the SM and provide tree-level and loop-suppressed results. Finally, we discuss the relevance of the dimension-eight operators for a range of phenomenological analyses, particularly focusing on Higgs and electroweak physics.
Presented by Álvaro
Title:Concept for a Space-based Near-Solar Neutrino Detector
Abstract: The concept of putting a neutrino detector in close orbit of the sun has been unexplored until very recently. The primary scientific return is to vastly enhance our understanding of the solar interior, which is a major NASA goal. Preliminary calculations show that such a spacecraft, if properly shielded, can operate in space environments while taking data from neutrino interactions. These interactions can be distinguished from random background rates of solar electromagnetic emissions, galactic charged cosmic-rays, and gamma-rays by using a double pulsed signature. Early simulations of this project have shown this veto schema to be successful in eliminating background and identifying the neutrino interaction signal in upwards of 75% of gamma ray interactions and nearly 100% of other interactions. Hence, we propose a new instrument to explore and study our sun. Due to inverse square scaling, this instrument has the potential to outperform earth-based experiments in several domains such as making measurements not accessible from the earth's orbit.
Presented by Renato
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