Journal Club
Seminar Room
Wednesday 12th of June, 2013
Presented by J. Santiago
Far from standard Higgs couplings
(Submitted on 6 Jun 2013)
In this short note we consider a permitted region in the space of couplings of the 126 GeV boson that extends far away from the standard model Higgs couplings. This region is of interest for more natural models of electroweak symmetry breaking. Stronger evidence of vector boson fusion and/or associated production is needed to eliminate this possibility.
Presented by Pérez-Victoria
The hierarchy problem of the electroweak Standard Model revisited
(Submitted on 28 May 2013)
A careful renormalization group analysis of the electroweak Standard Model reveals that there is no hierarchy problem in the SM. In the broken phase a light Higgs turns out to be natural as it is self-protected and self-tuned by the Higgs mechanism. It means that the scalar Higgs needs not be protected by any extra symmetry, specifically super symmetry, in order not to be much heavier than the other SM particles which are protected by gauge- or chiral-symmetry. Thus the existence of quadratic cutoff effects in the SM cannot motivate the need for a super symmetric extensions of the SM, but in contrast plays an important role in triggering the electroweak phase transition and in shaping the Higgs potential in the early universe to drive inflation as supported by observation.
Higgs Couplings and Naturalness
(Submitted on 26 May 2013)
Many extensions of the Standard Model postulate the existence of new weakly coupled particles, the top partners, at or below the TeV scale. The role of the top partners is to cancel the quadratic divergence in the Higgs mass parameter due to top loops. We point out the generic correlation between naturalness (the degree of fine-tuning required to obtain the observed electroweak scale), and the size of top partner loop contributions to Higgs couplings to photons and gluons. If the fine-tuning is required to be at or below a certain level, a model-independent lower bound on the deviations of these Higgs couplings from the Standard Model can be placed (assuming no cancellations between contributions from various sources). Conversely, if a precise measurement of the Higgs couplings shows no deviation from the Standard Model, a certain amount of fine-tuning would be required. We quantify this connection, and argue that a measurement of the Higgs couplings at the per-cent level would provide a serious and robust test of naturalness.
Presented by Donati
On the predictivity of the non-renormalizable quantum field theories
(Submitted on 2 May 2013 (v1), last revised 21 May 2013 (this version, v2))
Following a recently introduced approach to ultraviolet divergences, I extend the concept of predictivity to non-renormalizable quantum field theories. The idea of topological renormalization is introduced, which allows to keep a finite value for the parameters of the theory. One additional measurement is then sufficient to systematically compute quantum corrections at any loop order.
Presented by Cerezo
Cold dark matter: controversies on small scales
(Submitted on 4 Jun 2013)
The cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological model has been remarkably successful in explaining cosmic structure over an enormous span of redshift, but it has faced persistent challenges from observations that probe the innermost regions of dark matter halos and the properties of the Milky Way's dwarf galaxy satellites. We review the current observational and theoretical status of these "small scale controversies." Cosmological simulations that incorporate only gravity and collisionless CDM predict halos with abundant substructure and central densities that are too high to match constraints from galaxy dynamics. The solution could lie in baryonic physics: recent numerical simulations and analytic models suggest that gravitational potential fluctuations tied to efficient supernova feedback can flatten the central cusps of halos in massive galaxies, and a combination of feedback and low star-formation efficiency could explain why most of the dark matter subhalos orbiting the Milky Way do not host visible galaxies. However, it is not clear that this solution can work in the lowest mass galaxies where discrepancies are observed. Alternatively, the small-scale conflicts could be evidence of more complex physics in the dark sector itself. For example, elastic scattering from strong dark matter self-interactions can alter predicted halo mass profiles, leading to good agreement with observations across a wide range of galaxy mass. Gravitational lensing and dynamical perturbations of tidal streams in the stellar halo provide evidence for an abundant population of low mass subhalos in accord with CDM predictions. These observational approaches will get more powerful over the next few years.
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