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Speaker Membership Title Place Date
Riccardi, Flavio Madrid, IFT Finite parts of inflationary loops Seminar Room 24/01/2025

Past seminars

Speaker Membership Title Recording Date
Falkowski, Adam Orsay, LPT On-shell approach to spinning binaries in scalar-tensor theories N/A 13/12/2024
Naterop, Luca Zurich University Renormalization-group equations of the LEFT at two loops N/A 10/12/2024
Abreu, Samuel CERN Two-loop Multi-leg Amplitudes for Collider Phenomenology N/A 29/11/2024
Abdullahi, Asli IFT - Madrid Neutrino experiments as dark sector factories from HNLs to ALPs N/A 22/11/2024
Saez, Alejandro Madrid, Autonoma U. Setting the lattice scale to sub-percent precision N/A 08/11/2024
Beltrán, Rebeca Valencia U., IFIC Searching for long-lived heavy neutral leptons at the LHC N/A 25/10/2024
Nicolás Arnaldos, Francisco Javier University of Granada PhD defense: Lambda baryon production in neutrino-nucleus interactions and light signals reconstruction in the Short-Baseline Near Detector N/A 18/10/2024
Megías, Eugenio Granada U. Linear dilaton spacetimes: dark matter, stability, entanglement and thermal transitions N/A 15/10/2024
de la Torre Domínguez, Pablo University of Granada A DM model with a Heavy Neutrino at the LHC N/A 04/10/2024
Gil Martín, Luis University of Granada Precise computation of cosmological phase transition parameters N/A 04/10/2024
Nicolás Arnaldos, Francisco Javier University of Granada Hyperon searches with the Short-Baseline Near Detector N/A 27/09/2024
Vilches Bravo, Fuensanta University of Granada Efficient on-shell matching N/A 27/09/2024
Pagès, Julie UC, San Diego Renormalization of Effective Field Theories from Geometry Watch 20/09/2024
Thomsen, Anders E. U. Bern, AEC Functional Methods at Multi-Loop Order Watch 20/09/2024
Wilsch, Felix RWTH Aachen U. MSSM-to-SMEFT Matching with Matchete Watch 18/09/2024
García Canal, Carlos La Plata U. Cosmic rays vs (earthly) life floating in Venus Watch 10/07/2024
Bouchard, Christopher University Glasgow B and D decay form factors from lattice QCD using heavy HISQ Watch 14/06/2024
Vicente, Avelino IFIC/U. Valencia Tri-unification: a separate SU(5) for each fermion family Watch 07/06/2024
Manso, Antonio University of Granada PhD defense. Physics of an inflationary Universe: Particle production and gravitational waves N/A 03/06/2024
Davighi, Joe CERN Topological portal to the dark sector Watch 29/05/2024
Lo Chiatto, Prisco Mainz University Consistent Electroweak Phenomenology of a Nearly Degenerate Z′Z′ Boson Watch 24/05/2024
Heinemeyer, Sven IFT FOEWPT, THCs and GWs in the 2HDM N/A 10/05/2024
Pullin, Jorge Louisiana State Univ La telenovela de las ondas gravitacionales: de Newton 1666 a Estocolmo 2017. N/A 24/04/2024
Mantziris, Andreas FCUP From Hubble to Bubble - curvature induced phase transitions after inflation Watch 17/04/2024
Escudero Abenza, Miguel CERN Neutrino Cosmology in 2024 Watch 10/04/2024
Gutiérrez González, Miguel University of Granada PhD defense: Search for dark matter with high-energy neutrinos N/A 05/04/2024
Delgado, Antonio Notre Dame Universit Supersymmetry and EFTs Watch 03/04/2024
Figueruelo, David IUFFyM Momentum transfer in the dark sector N/A 22/03/2024
Cepedello Pérez, Ricardo University of Granada From the SMEFT to BSM models Watch 20/03/2024
Ramos, Maria IFT, Madrid The QCD axion sum rule Watch 15/03/2024
Palavrić, Ajdin Basel University Leading directions and RG effects in the SMEFT N/A 09/02/2024
Ren, Zhe University of Granada Construction and conversion of operator bases in Effective Field Theories Watch 31/01/2024
Menedez Pidal de Cristina, Lucia UCM Foundational questions in Quantum Cosmology Watch 12/01/2024
Olea-Romacho, Maria Olalla LPENS, Paris Exploring Cosmological Phase Transitions in the upcoming decades: from the LHC to LISA Watch 09/01/2024
Kvedaraite, Sandra University of Granada RI-(S)MOM to MSbar Conversion for BK at Two-loop Order Watch 15/12/2023
Zambujal Ferreira, Ricardo Univ. de Coimbra Primordial black holes and axions: a tale of (galactic and extragalactic) light Watch 05/12/2023
Stangl, Peter CERN Automating beyond the Standard Model phenomenology Watch 24/11/2023
Jueid, Adil IBS New Physics Opportunities at future muon colliders N/A 21/11/2023
De Romeri, Valentina Instituto de Física Corpuscular (CSIC-University of Valencia) Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in the Standard Model and beyond N/A 10/11/2023
García Canal, Carlos Universidad Nacional de La Plata The muon puzzles N/A 03/11/2023
Anisha Glasgow University HEFT: Probing the new physics at LHC Watch 31/10/2023
Cornella, Claudia Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz K -> pi alp in chiral perturbation theory N/A 27/10/2023
, University of Granada Relativistic stars in Einstein gravity and beyond N/A 06/10/2023
Olgoso Ruiz, Pablo University of Granada PhD defense: Effective field theories applied to beyond the standard model physics N/A 25/09/2023
Titov, Arsenii Universita di Pisa Modular invariance and the strong CP problem N/A 28/07/2023
Biekötter, Anke Mainz University Effective Field Theories for heavy and light new physics N/A 25/07/2023
Srivastava, Tripurari Delhi University Constraining SMEFT BSM scenarios with EWPO and ΔCKM N/A 11/07/2023
Prakash, Suraj Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur GrIP - a tool for automating operator enumeration for EFTs N/A 04/07/2023
Rey, Julián Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) The energy density of induced gravitational waves and primordial black holes Watch 30/06/2023
de Gouvêa, André Northwestern University Lecture 2: Review of Neutrino Physics - Anomalies and Beyond the Standard Model Watch 27/06/2023
de Gouvêa, André Northwestern University Lecture 1: Review of Neutrino Physics - What we know and the Standard Model Watch 23/06/2023
Kamper, Karl-Heiz University Wuppertal Search for upward-going air showers with the Pierre Auger Observatory and related constraints about BSM physics N/A 20/06/2023
Riva, Francesco Geneva University Dispersion Relations for Incalculable physics Watch 02/06/2023
Enea Romano, Antonio CERN & ICRA, Pescara The mirage of luminal modified gravitational-wave propagation Watch 30/05/2023
Escalante, Alberto CMS, CERN Long-lived particles at the LHC: Searches beyond the beam spot Watch 26/05/2023
Santiago Pérez, José University of Granada Towards the one-loop IR/UV dictionary in the SMEFT Watch 19/05/2023
Castro, Nuno Univerisdade do Minho Machine learning as a tool for high energy physics Watch 12/05/2023
Thomsen, Anders Eller Bern University Functional Methods for EFT Matching and Beyond Watch 28/04/2023
Calderon Infante, Jose CERN Asymptotic Accelerated Expansion in String Theory? Watch 21/04/2023
Diaz Cruz, J. Lorenzo CIIEC & BUAP Hidden patterns of new physics within the Higgs Couplings Watch 11/04/2023
Pujolas, Oriol IFAE - UA Barcelona Probing axions with domain walls networks Watch 31/03/2023
del Río Vega, Adrián IFIC - CSIC/UV On loops in inflation: CMB bounds on the hidden sector of the universe Watch 28/03/2023
García Moreno, Gerardo IAA-CSIC Unimodular Gravity and General Relativity: Are they equivalent? Watch 21/03/2023
Chala, Mikael University of Granada Restrictions on the renormalisation group flow of effective field theories. Watch 17/03/2023
Cherchiglia, Adriano U. Estadual Campinas Vector-like quarks of Nelson-Barr type: an overview N/A 17/02/2023
Molina Bueno, Laura IFIC Dark sectors searches with the NA64 experiment at CERN Watch 07/02/2023
Moreno González, Francisco Javier Israel Inst. of Tech Exploring general higher-curvature gravities in three dimensions Watch 16/01/2023
Ekstedt, Andreas DESY Gravitational waves and the necessity of effective field theories Watch 12/01/2023
Cosme, Catarina Valencia U., IFIC Neutrino Portal to FIMP Dark Matter with an Early Matter Era Watch 29/11/2022
Bhardwaj, Akanksha University of Glasgow Graph Neural Network: Its applications to constrain BSM models and EFTs Watch 25/11/2022
Hirsch, Martin Instituto de Física Corpuscular CSIC/Universidad de Valencia Heavy neutral leptons and long-lived particle searches Watch 23/11/2022
Cortés Barbado, Luis University of Vienna Evolution of confined quantum scalar fields in curved spacetime N/A 15/11/2022
Herrero Valea, Mario Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona UV-IR connections and positivity in graviton exchange N/A 08/11/2022
Englert, Christoph Glasgow University Phenomenological aspects of EFTs at the LHC N/A 25/10/2022
Torres Bobadilla, WIlliam Max-Planck-Institut für Physik On the calculation of multi-loop scattering amplitudes N/A 29/09/2022
García Canal, Carlos Universidad Nacional de la Plata Relation between the Berry phase in quantum hermitian and non-hermitian systems and the Hannay phase in the equivalent classical systems N/A 15/09/2022
Lizana, Javier University of Zürich Implications of third family quark-lepton unification in light-flavor observables N/A 19/07/2022
Djouadi, Abdelhak University of Granada The Higgs boson and the universe of elementary particles N/A 30/06/2022
Delgado , Antonio University of Notre Dame Quo Vadis DM? N/A 28/06/2022
Sciutto, Sergio Universidad Nacional de la Plata Investigations on a possible solution of the muon puzzle of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays N/A 23/06/2022
Olgoso, Pablo University of Granada Automatic one-loop matching with Matchmakereft N/A 09/06/2022
Salih Un, Cem Bursa Uludag University SUSY and Higgs Searches at the LHC and Future Collider N/A 07/06/2022
Ferrario Ravasio, Silvia Oxford University Better parton showers for the LHC N/A 24/05/2022
Boyanov, Valentín Complutense University of Madrid & Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA) Black holes in semiclassical gravity N/A 19/05/2022
Jiménez Cano, Alejandro University of Tartu Stability of vectors and its implications in quadratic metric-affine gravity N/A 12/05/2022
García Moreno, Gerardo Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA) Playing with causality in analogue gravity N/A 05/05/2022
Sanchez Lucas, Patricia University of Granada Contributions of the Granada Group to the neutrino experiment DUNE: Activities at the cryogenic lab N/A 28/04/2022
Torrenti, Francisco University of Basel Illuminating the “primordial dark age” after inflation N/A 21/04/2022
Kranas, Dimitrios Louisiana State University Quantum Aspects of Stimulated Hawking Radiation in an Optical Analog White-Black Hole Pair N/A 28/03/2022
Ouyang, Ruiwen NICPB, Tallinn Yukawa coupling unification in non-supersymmetric SO(10) models with an intermediate scale N/A 17/03/2022
De Angelis, Stefano Queen Mary, University of London On-shell methods and (SM)EFT N/A 11/03/2022
Ramos, Alberto IFIC Lattice methods for future precise determinations of alpha_s N/A 03/03/2022
Diaz-Carmona, Alvaro University of Granada A Green's Basis for the Bosonic SMEFT to dimension 8 N/A 24/02/2022
, University of Granada Computation of Wilson Coefficients Symbolically N/A 18/02/2022
Venturini, Elena Munich Tech Electric dipole moments at one-loop in the dimension-six SMEFT N/A 31/01/2022
Alonso, Rodrigo Durham U On the road to the Standard Model N/A 28/01/2022
Bonga, Béatrice IMAPP Foundations of gravitational waves in cosmology N/A 17/01/2022
Neves, Rita UCM States of Low Energy in Loop Quantum Cosmology N/A 13/12/2021
Biekoetter, Anke IPPP Durham Constraining new physics in a model-independent framework N/A 29/11/2021
Martin-Lozano, Victor DESY TBD N/A 22/11/2021
, University of Granada Pion and kaon structure and the emergence of hadron masses N/A 08/11/2021
Chala, Mikael University of Granada Quantum corrections to positivity bounds N/A 25/10/2021
Fonseca, Renato University of Granada Flavor and grand unified theories N/A 18/10/2021
Masip Mellado, Manuel University of Granada Cosmology of an Axion-like Majoron N/A 08/10/2021
Falkowski, Adam LPT Orsay Constraints on new physics from nuclear beta transitions N/A 31/05/2021
Agrawal, Prateek Oxford University Axion Strings in the Sky N/A 24/05/2021
Megías, Eugenio University of Granada Physics of warped dimensions: continuum spectra and holographic phase transition N/A 17/05/2021
Stolarski, Daniel Carleton University Confining Hidden Sectors at LHC and Beyond N/A 14/05/2021
Archer-Smith, Paul Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Physics A wrinkle in (space)-time: gravitational waves from multiple hidden sectors. N/A 07/05/2021
Escudero Abenza, Miguel Technical University of Munich B-Mesogenesis: Baryogenesis and Dark Matter from B Mesons N/A 26/04/2021
Alonso Álvarez, Gonzalo McGill University Leading Logs in QCD Axion Effective Field Theory N/A 23/04/2021
Masjuan, Pere Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE) News from the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab and R_k from LHCb: an informal discussion N/A 13/04/2021
Yin, Wen University of Tokyo Messengers of reheating and their spectra N/A 12/04/2021
Caputo, Andrea Weizmann Institute Dark Photon, CMB and radio data in our inhomogeneous universe N/A 22/03/2021
Martin Camalich, Jorge IAC La Laguna, Laguna University Supernova constraints on dark flavor sectors N/A 15/03/2021
Gonzalez Alonso, Martín Valencia University, IFIC EFT bounds from neutrino oscillations N/A 08/03/2021
Alonso de Pablo, Rodrigo IPPP Durham Kick-alignment: matter asymmetry sourced dark matter N/A 03/03/2021
Amaro Seoane, Pau Universitat Politècnica de València A chartography of spacetime around supermassive black holes with extreme-mass ratio inspirals N/A 26/02/2021
del Rio, Adrian Lisbon University, IST Chirality of photons triggered by circularly polarized gravitational waves N/A 22/02/2021
Torres Manso, Antonio University of Granada ν-Inflaton Dark Matter N/A 15/02/2021
Witte, Samuel University of Amsterdam, GRAPPA Quenching and Non-Standard Observables from Black Hole Superradiance N/A 08/02/2021
Guedes, Guilherme University of Granada & Minho University Running in the ALPs N/A 01/02/2021
Meloni, Davide Rome University New Physics in the Lepton sector from future Neutrino experiments N/A 25/01/2021
Criado, Juan Carlos IPPP Durham Electroweak skyrmions through the Higgs N/A 18/01/2021
von Harling, Benedict Barcelona, IFAE Anomalous Dimensions of Effective Theories from Partial Waves N/A 11/01/2021
Gu, Jiayin Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz Amplitudes, sum rules and positivity bounds in the SMEFT N/A 14/12/2020
Ghosh, Avirup Harish-Chandra Research Institute Phenomenology of feebly coupled dark sectors N/A 11/12/2020
Di Luzio, Luca DESY Axion GUTs N/A 30/11/2020
Wang, Yikun Fermilab & University of Chicago New Insights into the Electroweak Phase Transition N/A 24/11/2020
Ekhterachian, Majid Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Maryland Holography of the cosmological phase transition of composite Higgs confinement N/A 17/11/2020
Foldenauer, Patrick Durham University An Invitation to Light New Physics N/A 09/11/2020
Titov, Arsenii University of Padua Modular-Invariant Lepton Flavour Models N/A 26/10/2020
Pfeifer, Christian Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Physics Institute, University of Tartu (Estonia) The gravitating kinetic gas - Lifting the Einstein Vlasov system to the tangent bundle N/A 19/10/2020
Peña Garay, Carlos LSC Canfranc Dancing with ghosts: searching for neutrinos and dark matter at the LSC and HK N/A 08/10/2020
Guedes, Guilherme LIP, Minho TBA N/A 27/03/2020
Heinemeyer, Sven IFT Madrid BSM Higgs Sectors at Future Colliders N/A 06/03/2020
Fonseca, Renato Charles University, Prague Automating group theory calculations and the problem of listing EFT operators N/A 14/02/2020
Ramos, Maria LIP, Minho Phenomenology of non-minimal composite Higgs models N/A 06/02/2020
Martínez, Mario IFAE Gravitational Wave Physics in the Virgo interferometer N/A 19/12/2019
Pittau, Roberto UGR Matching high-energy QFTs onto low-energy nonrenormalizable ones without higher dimension operators N/A 26/11/2019
Ma, Ernest University of California Riverside Leptonic Scalars, Dark Matter, and Two-Loop Dirac Neutrino Mass N/A 19/11/2019
García Canal, Carlos Universidad de la Plata Probing Strong Dynamics with Cosmic Neutrinos N/A 22/10/2019
Olmedo, Javier University of Lousiana Inflation in anisotropic spacetimes: one step furhter in the understanding of the physics of the early universe N/A 15/10/2019
Martínez Lizana, Javier University of Warsaw The radion effective potential in 5D warped models N/A 11/07/2019
Carmona Benitez, Carmen Pennsylvania State University Searching for Dark Matter with LZ N/A 09/07/2019
Yamamoto, Yasuhiro NCBJ, Warsaw Probing new intra-atomic force with isotope shifts N/A 11/06/2019
MasJuan, Pere UAB Are we overlooking Lepton Flavour Universal New Physics in $b \to s \ell \ell ? N/A 30/05/2019
Gómez, José Luis IAA Imaging a black hole with the Event Horizon Telescope N/A 23/05/2019
Vega-Morales, Roberto University of Granada Helical Dark Matter Fields and the end of inflation N/A 14/03/2019
, University of Granada Field redefinitions in effective theories at higher orders N/A 15/01/2019
Masip Mellado, Manuel University of Granada Neutrinos, cosmic rays, the Sun, and Liouville's theorem N/A 11/12/2018
, University of Granada Some interesting processes in tau physics N/A 27/11/2018
Madge Pimentel, Eric Univ. of Mainz Leptophilic dark matter from gauged lepton number: Phenomenology and gravitational wave signatures N/A 20/11/2018
Fuks, Benjamin LPTHE Jussieu Cornering top-philic dark matter: a comprehensive study from colliders to cosmology N/A 09/11/2018
Rompineve, Fabrizio IFAE, Barcelona New Features in Axion Dark Matter N/A 30/10/2018
Zamorano, Bruno UGR Latest oscillation results from the NOvA experiment N/A 23/10/2018
Pittau, Roberto University of Granada NNLO corrections in four dimensions N/A 16/10/2018
Giammanco, Andrea Université catholique de Louvain - CP3 Top Nuclear Physics, and more fun with Heavy Ions N/A 11/10/2018
Ubaldi, Lorenzo SISSA, Italy Right handed neutrinos in flavor anomalies N/A 27/09/2018
, University of Granada Modular invariance faces precision neutrino data N/A 19/07/2018
Wills Toro, Luis Alberto Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín Finding new symmetries behind the electroweak standard model N/A 18/07/2018
Betancur, Amalia Universidades de Antioquia y EIA Experimental constraints on the doublet-triplet fermion dark matter model N/A 19/06/2018
Mazumdar, Arindam Physical Research Lab, Ahmedabad, India CMB vs Large Scale Structures : Tensions and Solutions N/A 14/06/2018
García Canal, Carlos Universidad de la Plata Foucalt pendulum, girator-coupled resonant circuits and neutral kaons: a geommetricl point of view N/A 22/05/2018
Kozow, Pawel Warsaw University Same-sign WW scattering at the LHC: can we discover BSM effects before discovering new states? N/A 17/05/2018
Cornet Gómez, Fernando IFIC Controlled Flavour Changing Neutral Couplings in Two Higgs Doublet Models N/A 14/05/2018
Low, Ian Northwestern Univ. & CERN Universal Imprints of a Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Higgs N/A 08/05/2018
Ubaldi, Lorenzo SISSA, Italia Dynamics of relaxed inflation N/A 02/05/2018
Sala , Filippo DESY Proposal of new BSM searches at the LHC and at telescopes N/A 23/04/2018
Yu, Tien-Tien CERN Dispatches from the sub-GeV Dark Matter Frontier N/A 12/04/2018
Edelstein, José Universidad de Santiago Causality constraints in gravitational theories N/A 22/03/2018
Delhom Latorre, Adria Universidad de Valencia The metric may (not) be the foundation of all, and particle physics could tell N/A 08/02/2018
Vega, Roberto Southern Methodist University The Supersymmetric Georgi-Machacek Model N/A 05/12/2017
Campos , Isabel IFCA Scientific Computing on Clouds N/A 23/11/2017
Pérez de los Heros, Carlos Uppsala University Recent results from the IceCube Neutrino Telescope N/A 16/11/2017
Falkowski, Adam LPT, Saclay, Paris Which EFT N/A 09/11/2017
El-Khadra, Aida Univ. of Illinois The Muon g-2 Theory Initiative N/A 07/11/2017
Hubisz, Jay Syracuse University Using Binary Neutron Star Mergers to Rule Out Weinberg's Anthropic Principle: N/A 02/11/2017
Hubisz, Jay Syracuse University Self-Organized Higgs Criticality: A New Toy in the BSM Sandbox N/A 31/10/2017
Wudka, Jose University of California, Riverside DARK SIDE OF A BOSE GAS N/A 19/09/2017
Branco, Gustavo C. Lisbon , CFTP & Lisbon, IST Natural Suppression of FCNC in the Scalar Sector N/A 27/06/2017
Reno, Mary Hall Iowa University Prompt neutrinos from charm: atmospheric and beam dump fluxes N/A 23/06/2017
Cirac, Ignacio Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Alemania Quantum optics with emitters in waveguides N/A 20/06/2017
Jueid, Adil UGR Probing anomalous Wtb couplings at the Large Hadron Collider in t-channel single top production N/A 13/06/2017
Pokorski, Stefan U. Warsaw Susy little hierarchy problem after LHC data N/A 08/06/2017
Castro, Nuno CERN Searches for new physics in the top quark sector at the LHC N/A 11/05/2017
Calibbi, Lorenzo Beijing, Inst. Theor. Phys. Minimal models for Dark Matter and the Muon g-2 N/A 09/05/2017
Fonseca, Lucia University of Sussex Cosmological Perturbations and Effective Field Theory N/A 20/04/2017
Shafi, Qaisar Bartol University Quest for Unification N/A 27/03/2017
Chala, Mikael DESY Predictive models of dark matter N/A 18/10/2016
Howe, Kiel Fermilab Flavorful UV Instantons and the Strong CP Problem N/A 22/09/2016
Arean, Daniel Max Planck Institute, Munich Holographic Disorder N/A 13/07/2016
Galindo, Pablo . Regularization of geodesics in Kerr-Schild spacetimes N/A 27/06/2016
Delgado, Antonio University of Notre Dame Searching for compressed spectra N/A 23/06/2016
Meloni, Davide Roma University Grand Unificed Theories confronting low energy data: the case of SO(10) N/A 16/06/2016
García-Canal, Carlos Universidad Nacional de la Plata Equivalence between classical and quantum dynamics: a laboratory realization N/A 13/06/2016
Collins, Jack Cornell University (USA) Dibosons, Tribons, and the SUSY Higgs mass N/A 25/05/2016
Fiaschi, Yuri University of Southampton Drell-Yan production of multi- Z's at the LHC N/A 20/05/2016
Chakraborty, Bipasha University of Glasgow The role of lattice QCD in resolving the muon g-2 puzzle N/A 06/05/2016
Falskowski, Adam Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Paris Spin-2 models for the 750 GeV resonance N/A 03/05/2016
García Irastorza, Igor Universidad de Zaragoza Physics case, status and prospects of the International Axion Observatory (IAXO). N/A 29/04/2016
Emparan, Roberto ICC-UB Black hole fusion made easy N/A 21/04/2016
Fuster, Juan IFIC, Valencia Retos científicos y tecnológicos de la física de partículas tras el descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs N/A 14/04/2016
Pascual Granado, Javier IAA Are LIGO data connected ? N/A 15/03/2016
Cuesta , Antonio J. IEEC (Barcelona) Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and the Expansion History of the Universe N/A 01/03/2016
Das, Dipankar IFIC (Valencia) Nondecoupling of charged scalars in Higgs to diphoton decay N/A 26/02/2016
Pérez, Michael Jay IFIC (Valencia) Hunting for Hierarchies in PSL_2(7) N/A 22/02/2016
Cherchiglia, Adriano Technische Universität Dresden (g-2) in the THDM: a full two-loop analysis N/A 16/02/2016
Botella , Francisco IFIC (Valencia) ¿ Does the 125 GeV Higgs have flavour changing Yukawa Couplings ? N/A 29/01/2016
Bijnens, Johan Univ. of Lund Chiral Perturbation Theory for Precision Physics and BSM N/A 24/11/2015
Kronfeld , Andreas Fermilab Phenomenology of Semileptonic B-Meson Decays with Form Factors from Lattice QCD N/A 17/11/2015
Garg, Ila Physics Research Lab., Ahmedabad Phenomenology and Cosmological implications of SO(10) NMSGUT N/A 05/11/2015
Stolarski, Daniel CERN Emerging Jets N/A 20/10/2015
Delgado , Antonio University of Notre Dame All about the Triplet N/A 09/07/2015
Mitra, Manimala IISER Mohali, India On the Origin of Neutrino Mass and Lepton Number Violating Searches N/A 29/06/2015
Soto, Alba UGR The neutrino-nucleon cross section at ultra-high-energies N/A 26/06/2015
Fuchs , Elina DESY TBA N/A 12/06/2015
Irastorza, Igor Universidad de Zaragoza Search for axions with the International Axion Observatory (IAXO). N/A 01/06/2015
Dutta, Koushik Saha Institute A Relation Between Inflation and Non-thermal History of the Universe N/A 01/06/2015
Pastor, Sergio IFIC, Valencia Neutrinos: partículas fantasma N/A 30/04/2015
Rebelo, Margarida Instituto Tecnico Supeior (Lisboa) Minimal Flavor Violation with Two Higgs Doublet Models N/A 24/04/2015
Kahya, Emre Istanbul TEchnical University Quantum effects during inflation N/A 17/04/2015
Hernández Pinto, Roger IFIC Upgrading the parton-to-pion fragmentation functions N/A 27/03/2015
Franceschini, Roberto CERN Top mass from the bottom (at NLO) N/A 13/03/2015
Masip Mellado, Manuel University of Granada Interpretation of IceCube data N/A 06/03/2015
Virto, Javier Universität Siegen Flavoured Conspiracies and Conundrums N/A 27/02/2015
Martínez, Ginés Nantes Subatech Heavy Ion Physics at ALICE N/A 13/01/2015
Vasiliki, Mitsou IFIC, Valencia MoEDAL: Hunting highly ionising particles at the LHC N/A 15/12/2014
Dorigo, Tommaso INFN - sezione di Padova Recent results from the CMS experiment N/A 02/12/2014
PIccinelli, Gabriella UNAM (Mexico) Effect of a primordial magnetic field on a warm inflation scenario N/A 01/12/2014
Jiang, Yun University of California Davis Two Higgs doublet model and single scalar Dark Matter N/A 25/11/2014
Juste , Aurelio IFAE & ICREA Probing the Higgs Sector from the Top N/A 24/11/2014
Peters, Yvonne University of Manchester Top Quarks: Selected TOPics N/A 17/11/2014
Lopez Villarejo, Juan Jose IPhT, CEA-Saclay VINCIA: a fast, precise Monte Carlo parton shower for LHC phenomenology, plug-in to PYTHIA 8 N/A 01/07/2014
Dev , Bhupal Manchester University Neutrino Physics at Colliders N/A 30/06/2014
Carballo, Raul IAA-CSIC, Granada Unimodular gravity and general relativity from graviton self-interactions N/A 26/06/2014
Chala, Mikael University of Granada TBA N/A 24/06/2014
Sánchez Puertas , Pablo U. Mainz Pseudoscalar meson transition form factors in the LHC era N/A 13/06/2014
Morris, Tim University of Southampton Recent developments in asymptotic safety: tests and properties N/A 12/05/2014
Melini, Davide U. de Genove & Nikhef Next-to-eikonal approximation in the context of spinor helicity methods N/A 08/05/2014
Hartmann, Christine Niels Bohr Institute The search for beyond standard model physics through Higgs couplings at two-loop level N/A 07/05/2014
Maris, Ioana UGR Results and future plans for the Pierre Auger Observatory N/A 25/04/2014
Anastasiou, Babis ETH Zurich Higgs Cross-Section: What is Next? N/A 28/03/2014
Serone , Marco SISSA (Italy) SUSY with a pNGB Higg N/A 26/03/2014
Cerdeño, David G. IFT-UAM Cazadores de Materia Oscura N/A 21/03/2014
Tywoniuk, Konrad UB Energy loss and jet modifications in heavy-ion collisions N/A 06/02/2014
Heinemeyer , Sven IFCA (CSIC-UC), Santander The Higgs boson mass and its SM/SUSY Implications N/A 03/02/2014
Bueno-Sánchez, Juan Carlos Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali. Colombia The inflationary origin of the cold spot anomaly N/A 23/01/2014
Bertolucci, Sergio CERN Research Director Particle Physics in Europe and CERN: Future Strategy after the Higgs Boson Discovery N/A 17/01/2014
, University of Granada Isospin violating dark matter and colored mediator N/A 16/01/2014
Pérez García, Angeles USAL Can Dark Matter explain the Braking Index of Neutron Stars? N/A 09/01/2014
Pittau, Roberto University of Granada The FDR way to renormalizable and non-renormalizable QFTs N/A 19/12/2013
Gonzalez-Fraile, Juan Universidad de Barcelona Effective Lagrangian approach to the EWSB sector' N/A 12/12/2013
Ramond, Pierre University of Florida, Gainesville Family symmetry: can we fit leptons and quarks together? N/A 25/11/2013
Masip Mellado, Manuel University of Granada Atmospheric dipoles at DM experiments N/A 14/11/2013
Kopp, Joachim Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik-Heidelberg Neutrino signals in dark matter detectors N/A 24/10/2013
Rico, Javier IFAE Looking for dark matter signals in the gamma-ray sky N/A 18/10/2013
Wulzer, Andrea INFN Padova Composite Higgs: Principles and Applications N/A 12/09/2013
Mahmoudi, Nazila CERN Status of SUSY in light of direct and indirect search results N/A 27/06/2013
Roig Garcés, Pablo UAB & IFAE Dispersive representation of the two-pion vector form factor N/A 20/06/2013
Herdeiro, Carlos Universidad de Aveiro Shock wave collisions in D dimensions N/A 18/06/2013
Christensen, Neil University of Pittsburgh (USA) BSM @ LHC N/A 06/06/2013
Álvarez, Ezequiel Universidad de Buenos Aires Looking at the LHC for a warped/composite model that addresses LEP \& Tevatron 3rd generation anomalies N/A 03/06/2013
Salmon, Daniel University of Pittsburgh (USA) Spin Determination with Invisible Particles N/A 23/05/2013
Herdoiza, Gregorio Mainz University Strangeness in the Nucleon N/A 16/05/2013
Masip Mellado, Manuel University of Granada Exotic physics at neutrino telescopes N/A 15/05/2013
López, Esperanza IFT (Madrid) Holographic thermalization N/A 11/04/2013
Bijnens, Johan Lund University (Sweden) Hadronic Light-by-Light for the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment N/A 14/02/2013
Dabrowski, Mariusz U. Szczecin, Poland Redshift drift in inhomogeneous pressure cosmology N/A 12/02/2013
Lodone, Paolo ITPP, EPFL Lausanne Selection rules for helicity amplitudes in massive gauge theories N/A 05/02/2013
Buchkremer, Mathieu Université Catholique de Louvain Going beyond a 4th generation of quarks N/A 29/01/2013
Juste, Aurelio IFAE, Barcelona El descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs: la solución a un problema de masa N/A 15/01/2013
Carmona, Carmen Case Western Reserve Univ. The LUX Dark Matter Experiment N/A 18/12/2012
Falkowski, Adam LPT Orsay Higgs after the discovery (and after HCP) N/A 04/12/2012
de Rújula, Álvaro CERN & IFT, Madrid El Higgs, la partícula maldita N/A 27/11/2012
Chala, Mikael University of Granada Diphoton excess and Dark Matter from Composite Higgs Models N/A 20/11/2012
Bruno , Giacomo Université Catholique de Louvain BSM searches with the CMS detector at the LHC N/A 16/11/2012
Heuer, Rolf-Dieter CERN The Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Unveiling the Universe N/A 08/11/2012
, University of Granada Combining searches of Z' and W' bosons N/A 06/11/2012
Vercnocke, Bert CEA, Paris, France Black holes: problems and solutions N/A 23/10/2012
García Canal, Carlos Universidad de La Plata Upsidedown: The Natural Way of Building Gauge Theories N/A 16/10/2012
Phan, Anna Syracuse University/LHCb Indirect searches for new physics in B decays at LHCb N/A 11/10/2012
Mooij, Sander Nikhef institute, Amsterdam Effective action for the Abelian Higgs model in FLRW N/A 09/10/2012
Richard, Francois LAL (IN2P3, Orsay) Top physics as a portal to BSM physics N/A 01/10/2012
Benincasa, Paolo Universidad de Santiago Heavy quark density in strongly coupled field theory via holography N/A 26/09/2012
Dibitetto, Giuseppe University of Groningen Gauged Supergravities and the Stability of Extra Dimensions N/A 12/09/2012
Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Tokyo University Discrimination possibility between composite and fundamental N Higgs doublet models N/A 05/09/2012
Linde, Andrei Stanford University Inflation in supergravity and string phenomenology N/A 02/07/2012
Hagedorn, Claudia INFN, Padua Lepton mixing in holographic composite Higgs models N/A 24/05/2012
Graciani, Ricardo Universidad de Barcelona Actividades del Grupo de Física experimental de Altas Energías de la Universidad de Barcelona N/A 23/05/2012
Salvioni, Ennio CERN HIggs particle production via gluon fusion in composite Higgs models and sensitivity to top partners N/A 17/05/2012
Mangano, Gian Piero INFN, Napoli Waiting for Planck: Cosmology from CMB and BBN N/A 10/05/2012
Laura, Baudis University of Zurich Results from the Xenon100 dark matter search experiment N/A 03/05/2012
Rosa, Joao University of Edinburgh Warm inflation in beyond the Standard Model scenarios N/A 12/04/2012
Kim, Jong Soo University of Adelaide Ligh stop searches and SUSY coupling reconstruction at the LHC N/A 11/04/2012
Bueno-Sánchez, Juan Carlos Universidad Complutense, Madrid Stochastic growth of massless scalar fields revisited N/A 29/03/2012
Zanderighi, Giulia University of Oxford QCD: from benchmark to discovery channels N/A 22/03/2012
Haisch, Ulrich University of Oxford Implications of LHC Higgs Searches (& Flavor) on Warped Extra Dimensions N/A 21/03/2012
Wudka, José University of California, Riverside Prospects of low energy lepton number violation N/A 15/03/2012
von der Pahlen, Federico IFCA, Santander Higgs and dark matter production from SUSY decays N/A 08/03/2012
, University of Granada Large neutrinoless double beta decay with a small electron N/A 19/12/2011
, University of Granada Hierarchies, Soft Walls, and Unparticles N/A 16/12/2011
Koivisto, Tomi S. Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics - N/A 07/12/2011
Gámiz Sánchez, María Elvira University of Granada - N/A 24/11/2011
Golovnev, Alexey Saint-Petersburg State University Some variations on vector inflation N/A 21/11/2011
Kittel, Olaf Universidad de Granada CP violation in the correlated production and decay of unstable particles N/A 31/10/2011
, University of Granada Einstein branes N/A 24/10/2011
Mathieu, Giorgio U. Tor Vergata & INFN, Roma High Energy Cosmic Rays N/A 04/10/2011
Brandenberger, Robert McGill University Alternatives to inflation from string theory N/A 21/09/2011
Tanaka, Hirohisa University of British Columbia - N/A 04/05/2011
Palomares, Sergio CFTP-IST, Lisboa Constraining Dark Matter Properties and Density Profile with Fermi N/A 16/03/2011
, University of Granada Top flavour physics N/A 10/02/2011
Karciauskas, Mindaugas Universidad de Granada Inflation, Primordial Perturbations and Vector Fields N/A 27/01/2011
Olmo, Gonzalo J. IFIC-CSIC, Valencia Palatini approach to modified gravity: f(R) theories and beyond N/A 20/01/2011
Masjuan, Pere Universidad de Granada Rational Approximations in Quantum Chromodynamics N/A 18/01/2011
Melgarejo, Antonio Columbia University Search for dark matter with the XENON100 detecto N/A 13/01/2011
Albacete, Javier Saclay Heavy ion collisions: news from the LHC N/A 11/01/2011
Coriano, Claudio University of Lecce Axions at the LHC N/A 09/12/2010
Racker, Juan Universidad de Barcelona Leptogenesis without violation of B-L N/A 02/12/2010
Zoupanos, George National Techincal University of Athens New challenges in unified theories N/A 23/11/2010
Mejías, Eugenio Brookhaven National Lab and University of Heidelberg Non-perturbative thermal QCD: gluon condensates and AdS/QCD N/A 18/11/2010
, University of Granada Entranglement and neutrino oscillations N/A 17/11/2010
Panico, Giuliano ETH, Zurich Mesons and baryons from holographic QCD N/A 11/11/2010
Contino, Roberto Università di Roma La Sapienza Probing strong electroweak symmetry breaking at the LHC N/A 04/11/2010
Bueno-Sánchez, Juan Carlos Universidad Complutense, Madrid Fighting against Lambda N/A 21/10/2010
Siba, Prassad Das IFIC Prospects for observing a CP violating Higgs at Tevatron and LHC N/A 09/09/2010
Papinutto, Mauro LPSC, Grenoble Non-perturbative Heavy Quark Effective Theory and b-physics N/A 13/07/2010
Lehnert, Ralf Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Testing Lorentz Symmetry: Motivations, Theory and Phenomenology N/A 22/06/2010