10-14 December 2024 Palacio de Congresos de Granada
Welcome to the SBND Collaboration Meeting in Granada.
We are looking forward to hosting you in Granada city in December. The event will be held at Granada Conference & Exhibition Centre (Palacio de Congresos de Granada), close to the
historical center of the city, the heart of Granada. For this reason, on Saturday morning there will be a guided tour of the Alhambra for all attendees who wish to participate.
More information will be added to this page as we get closer to the event. We will let everyone know when something important appears.
As a first step, we will help you prepare your trip to Spain. Take a look at the Travel tab to know more about the VISA process and hotel suggestions. Granada is a very touristic place all
the year, and the Palacio de Congresos is quite close to the city center. The earlier you book, the better your chances of getting a good deal.
Lastname | Name | Affiliation |
Sanchez-Lucas | Patricia | University of Granada |
Zamorano | Bruno | University of Granada |
Garcia-Gamez | Diego | University of Granada |
Pelegrina Gutiérrrez | Luis | Universidad de Granada |
Sanchez Castillo | Alejandro | University of Granada |
King | Matthew | University of Chicago |
Slater | Beth | University of Liverpool |
Das | Sayan Kr | University of Sussex |
Vázquez-Ramos | Alicia | University of Granada |
Jung | Mun Jung | University of Chicago |
Scott | Harry | University of Sheffield |
McCusker | Bethany | Lancaster University |
Papadopoulou | Afroditi Papadopoulou | ANL |
Darby | Robert | University of Sussex |
Guzzo | Marina | The University of Edinburgh |
Bhat | Avinay | University of Chicago |
Nowak | Jaroslaw | Lancaster University |
Moor | Alexandra | University of Sheffield |
Green | Patrick | University of Oxford |
Lin | Keng | Rutgers |
Tung | Lynn | University of Chicago |
Plows | Komninos John | University of Liverpool |
Lay | Henry | University of Sheffield |
Wei | Hanyu | Louisiana State University |
Paton | Josephine | Fermilab |
Szelc | Andrzej | University of Edinburgh |
Beever | Anna | University of Sheffield |
Schmitz | David | University of Chicago |
McConkey | Nicola | Queen Mary University of London |
Castillo Fernandez | Raquel | University of Texas at Arlington |
Gil-Botella | Inés | CIEMAT |
Filkins | Amy | Syracuse University |
Griffith | Clark | University of Sussex |
Nebot Guinot | Miquel | University of Edinburgh |
Romeo Araujo | Jorge | CIEMAT |
Wester | Thomas | University of Chicago |
Brailsford | Dominic | Lancaster University |
Yates | Lauren | Fermilab |
Fricano | Gaetano | University of Palermo |
Zennamo | Joseph | Fermilab |
Crespo Anadón | José Ignacio | CIEMAT |
Stancari | Michelle | Fermila |
Rowe | Nathaniel | University of Chicago |
Del Tutto | Marco | Fermilab |
Schukraft | Anne | Fermilab |
Dalager | Olivia | Fermilab |
LaZur | Ryan | Colorado State University |
Dominguez Vidales | Sergio | CIEMAT |
Navrer-Agasson | Anyssa | Imperial College London |
Dabburi | Yoshita | Queen Mary University of London |
Carber | Daniel | Colorado State University |
Pandey | Vishvas | Fermilab |
Palamara | Ornella Palamara | Fermilab |
Rajagopalan | Rohan | Syracuse University |
Totani | Dante | UCSB |
Martín Morales | Carlos | University of Granada |
Docarmo Millán | Eddie | University of Granada (UGR) |
Yebes Baena | Sergio | University of Granada |
Brandt | Andrew | University of Texas, Arlington |
Yu | Haiwang | Brookhaven National Laboratory |