18-20 December 2024
Sala ODS (Planta -1), ETS de Ing. de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad de Granada
The eighth Christmas workshop organized by the High Energy Theory Group (FTAE) - Department of Theoretical Physics and Physics of the Cosmos at the University of Granada will be held in Granada on December 18-20, 2024. The goal of this meeting is to bring together outstanding young scientists who will discuss with members of the local group their contributions to recent progress in particle and astroparticle physics.
December 18 | ||
15:15 | Welcome | |
15:30 | Alejandro Jiménez Cano | Doughnuts in the sky: the anatomy of a toroidal black hole solution |
16:00 | Anisha | Probing new physics at colliders via Higgs Effective Field Theory |
16:30 | Coffe Break | |
17:00 | Claudia Alvarez Garcia | A search for charged lepton flavour violation at the Mu2e experiment |
17:30 | Juan Miguel Carceller | Future Colliders and Key4hep |
December 19 | ||
09:30 | Javier Martínez Lizana | A common origin of the Higgs boson and the flavor hierarchies |
10:00 | David Muñoz Perez | Measurement of the $t\bar{t}H$ cross-section in multi-lepton final states at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector |
10:30 | Coffe Break | |
11:00 | Adrian Rubio Jiménez | Searching for New Physics with the ATLAS detector and beyond |
11:30 | Ajdin Palavrić | Flavor Symmetries and UV Mediators: SMEFT Analysis |
12:00 | Peter Stangl | A flavourful global SMEFT likelihood: smelli v3.0 |
12:30 | Lunch Break | |
15:30 | Pablo Olgoso | HVentures with $\gamma_5$ |
16:00 | Arsenii Titov | Solving the strong CP problem without axions |
16:30 | Coffe Break | |
17:00 | José María Pérez-Poyatos | Dark radiation production in axion misalignment mechanisms and the cosmological tensions |
17:30 | Pablo Guerrero-Rodríguez | Glasma Role in Jet Quenching Effects |
December 20 | ||
09:30 | Guilherme Guedes | A log story short: running contributions to radiative Higgs decays in the SMEFT |
10:00 | Fernando Cornet Gómez | Current and future constraints on top-quark operators |
10:30 | Coffe Break | |
11:00 | Supratim Das Bakshi, Argonne National Lab |
Recent developments on SMEFT renormalization |
11:30 | Maria Ramos | Patterns of a multiple QCD axion |
12:00 | Closing |